
  1. Read the information below 📖
  2. Submit information & thumbnail concepts through the form linked below 📄
  3. We will select the top 10 entries to participate in the next stage of the competition by February 26th 🔑
  4. Winner will win $1000 💰

Video Title: Try Not To Laugh, In Real Life

Video Story: Airrack and a group of friends will go through a series of different hilarious rooms/scenarios specifically tailored to them. If they laugh, they lose. The idea is for each contestant to have a blindfold on, then take them off at the same time and have their hilarious surroundings revealed to them all at once. The first person that laughs, loses.

Plot Points:

  1. 4 doors with funny things behind them
  2. A business meeting where friends will have to give an unprepared presentation
  3. Funeral with a comedian as the officiant
  4. Interrogation where they are questioned about a dumb crime and potentially brought into a court room


Both of these will be submitted via the Google Form linked here!

  1. A concept and render for our thumbnail idea.